Thursday, December 07, 2006


Airport Calling Card Vending Machines by Brian Hawkins

If you are without a cellular phone or are somewhere with bad reception, you may find yourself in a state of panic when you suddenly realize that you need to call your home or office, especially if you travel a great deal for your business.

You are in an airport and you are desperate, and you don't know where to turn. Then you see it, the airport calling card vending machine. You race over to find that you get limited amount of minutes for a very expensive price. You grasp the fact that you don't have any other choice and without hesitation you slip your money in the slot and get your calling card. A

fter possibly a few short minutes on the payphone you start to think that there has got to be a better way to buy a calling card then spending your hard earned money at the airport calling card vending machine.

Phone card vending machines are overpriced and inconvenient. They may not have the minutes available that you need, and most of them cost you a fortune to buy even the fewest minutes available. The worse case scenario is that they could be out of them completely when you need to make a phone call the most.

That is why you should consider buying online voip phone cards before you even leave for your trip. You can sit in the comfort of your own home and find them in the denominations that you need, buying even more minutes for a lower price. Searching around for online phone cards can yield you higher benefits by costing you less money and you can take the time to find the best deal, instead of being forced to use the airport calling card vending machines.

You can also use the online phone cards to make international phone calls, whereas phone card vending machines may not have this option available. If you are delayed in an international airport far away from home then you need to have that alternative to make you feel more secure in knowing you can reach someone by phone.

There is also the advantage of being able to recharge the online phone card when you come back from a trip, in order to get ready for the next time you leave. There is no wondering if you can find a phone card vending machine where you are. You know exactly how many minutes you have, where you can call, and you have the security of knowing that in case of emergency you will be able to call where you want, when you want to.

When it comes to down to it, online phone cards save you money as compared to phone card vending machines, but it just isn't the money. It is the convenience of knowing you won't have to find an airport calling card vending machine and hope that it comes in the denomination that you need to call the people that need to hear from you the most.

About the Author

Brian Hawkins is an affiliate web site marketing manager for Pingo prepaid phone card service that provides travel phone card promotions online at

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